- Lithapelo Kutlenyane, Child Protection/Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Volunteer, Lesotho RC
- Daniel Peter, PGI and CEA Assistant, IFRC Southern Africa CCST
- Petronella Mugoni, CEA Senior Officer, IFRC Southern Africa CCST
Questions to be explored:
- How can we make the most of combining PGI and CEA elements for better programmes?
- How can integrating CEA & PGI ensure equitable access for members of minority groups?
- How can a community-based referall network help address issues of child marriage?
- What are the benefits and challenges of combining PGI and CEA in a training context?
Join us on Thursday 3rd June 10:00 – 11:30 CET for answers and to ask you own questions.
On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95240958389?pwd=RERadFd5aTNIelVSeTdqMkk3Z3ExQT09 or enter meeting ID: 952 4095 8389