The Team

Our team comprises of Protection, Gender and Inclusion Staff, National Society focal points and a network of PGI Champions from different technical backgrounds.

We have staff based all five IFRC Regions: Africa, the Americas, Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, and Europe and Central Asia.

Global Team

The IFRC PGI Global Team (based mostly in Geneva) supports the development of a consistent approach to Protection Gender and Inclusion. We develop and enhance support tools such as guidance, implementation tools, and training to help National Societies implement safeguarding within their institutional systems. The Global Team also supports the development of strategies and operational plans and continues to support strategy.

During emergencies, we enhance the operational coordination and cooperation on PGI at field level and regional level.    

We grow and develop global and regional networks, with an emphasis on learning and peer support. Including, strengthening cooperation and sharing of good practices with closely related approaches and sectors, such as Community Engagement and Accountability, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, and the Better Programming Initiative.

The Global Team also represents and supports IFRC engagement with external, inter-agency and coordination mechanisms on PGI related issues. This will allow us to share more effectively the contribution of the IFRC Network with the wider humanitarian and development communities.

Regional and Field Teams
Africa Region


Asia Pacific Region
Americas Region



Europe and Central Asia Region
Middle East and North Africa Region
Meet the team

Here are some of our PGI team members!

Stephen Wainwright, IFRC
Stephen Wainwright
Social Inclusion and Protection Coordinator
Gurvinder Singh, IFRC
Gurvinder Singh
Child Protection Advisor
Lisa Akero, IFRC
Lisa Akero
PGI Lead