Protection, Gender and Inclusion is relevant in all contexts - whether it is before or after a disaster, during peace time or in conflict. In emergencies, our focus is saving lives and addressing the most urgent cases of violence, discrimination and exclusion by conducting a PGI needs/risk assessment that informs our strategic response based on needs. Before a disaster, PGI champions embedded within communities can identify vulnerable and at-risk individuals. Following a disaster, PGI experts ensure people are safeguarded from harm and risks related to and outside of the hazard.

Mainstreaming Protection, Gender and Inclusion means ensuring that any programme, project, operation or service implemented by a National Society is designed to consider issues of Dignity, Access, Participation and Safety (DAPS) through a comprehensive PGI analysis. We aim to enhance the dignity of the affected population by preventing unintended negative consequences of assistance and mitigate discrimination and exploitation.
DAPS enables us to ensure better access to assistance for vulnerable groups including marginalized and excluded people and ensures that those people have a meaningful say in the design and implementation of programmes designed to assist them. It puts in place necessary measures to minimize the risks of exploitation, abuse and violence.
The minimum standards for PGI in emergencies is the primary guide for PGI mainstreaming in the IFRC
It is complemented by the PGI in emergencies toolkit, which also includes some tools for specialised PGI action.
Specialized Programmes, activities and operations refer to dedicated and tailor-made services that aim to directly prevent or respond to violence, discrimination and exclusion.
This is the responsibility of technically qualified and experienced PGI staff and volunteers trained for that purpose. It is important that the capacities to mainstream core PGI activities are in place before embarking on specialised PGI programmes.
In the PGI in emergencies toolkit, all the tools marked as "experiened" are part of the specialised PGI programmes provided by staff trained in that area.
Specialised work also includes examples like ensuring cash programmes are developed on the basis of dignified identities - something that goes beyond mainstreaming.
Browse through our resources to see more guidance on specific themes providing specialised support.