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Guidance Note on Applying Child Safeguarding Standards for Youth Activities Involving People Under the Age of 18 Years

CS Policy Tool 5 cover page
Support tool for the IFRC Child Safeguarding Policy

The purpose of this guidance note is to support the IFRC Child Safeguarding Policy. It provides guidance to Red Cross and Red Crescent personnel responsible for organizing IFRC led youth events that involve people under the age of 18 years.

In particular, this guidance note supports organizers of activities to take concrete and practical steps to ensure people under the age of 18 years experience Red Cross and Red Crescent environments that meet their best interests and that are safe and free of any harm. It is a minimum standard and essential practice for all humanitarian agencies and organizations working with people under the age of 18 years to have in place safeguards. These safeguards help protect from violence, abuse and exploitation and also support decisions being made in the best interest of the child.