IFRC Safeguarding Framework and Self-Assessment

Image of front cover of IFRC Safeguarding Framework and its accompanying self assessment tool for National Societies, purple background, with IFRC logo in top left corner
IFRC Safeguarding Framework, including 16 Standards for Safeguarding system development and a tool for National Societies to assess their safeguarding risk

This IFRC Safeguarding Framework, and the associated self-assessment tool, is designed to help National Societies systematically evaluate their organizational structures in order to make an evidence-based plan to enhance safeguarding and safe and inclusive programming. Its goal is to assist National Societies to identify gaps and opportunities, calculate a risk score, and formulate an action plan to fulfill our commitment to preventing harm.

This IFRC Safeguarding Framework, and the associated self-assessment tool, is designed to help National Societies systematically evaluate their organizational structures in order to make an evidence-based plan to enhance safeguarding and safe and inclusive programming. Its goal is to assist National Societies to identify gaps and opportunities, calculate a risk score, and formulate an action plan to fulfill our commitment to preventing harm.




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