Protection, Gender, and Inclusion Case for Support 2022: Actions to Enhance National Society Development

This case for support sets out the focus for protection, gender and inclusion in the IFRC for 2022 and beyond, both thematically and geographically.

It is based on identifying the needs and existing strengths of National Societies, to provide targeted capacity-building support for improved PGI services.

This has been done through a bottom-up process of consultation with National Societies to identify common priority needs for support, aligned with the three core strategic priorities of the IFRC PGI policy, namely:

  • Building institutional capacity for PGI
  • Ensuring stronger PGI in programmes
  • Harnessing advocacy, partnership & learning to support implementation

Partners reviewing this case for support can see the priorities where IFRC will support National Societies and align and target their support through IFRC accordingly, whether through resourcing the essential constitutional role of the IFRC and/or by providing specific targeted support through bilateral work with National Societies.