We Need to Do Better: Climate Related Disasters and Child Protection in Southeast Asia

We need to do better invitiaton
This analysis report, “We Need To Do Better: Climate Related Disasters and Child Protection in Southeast Asia” is a partnership between the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility and the IFRC. It aims to enhance the protection of children in climate related disasters. In particular, the analysis seeks to understand child perspectives about climate change, climate related disasters, and the risks they face. It provides practical ways to enhance coordinated and localized child protection approaches in preparing for climate related disasters in Southeast Asia.

The analysis is centered around an online survey with 33,033 children and young respondents aged 10-25. In addition, 55 adult stakeholders from UNICEF, Red Cross National Societies, governments, and local and international non-governmental organizations were interviewed. Moreover, the analysis report draws on existing climate change, disaster preparedness, and child protection research from across the region.