This Lessons Learned report evaluates the integration of Protection, Gender, and Inclusion (PGI) and Safeguarding within the RCRC Movement response to the Ukraine and impacted countries crisis, primarily from the perspective of PGI and Safeguarding experts and focal points from across the Red Cross ...
From 2021-2023, the Protection Advisory Board consulted with Movement components on a potential resolution on Protection at the Council of Delegates (CoD) in 2024 (originally planned for 2024).
This resolution will establish a Movement to agree to a common Movement understanding on Protection, prom...
Over the past five years, the IFRC’s strategic priority of Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) has been strengthened to better tackle violence, discrimination and exclusion.
This five-year report describes how this PGI approach was developed, outlines key achievements, and links to future prio...