155 results found
Since 2016, the South Sudanese Red Cross (SSRC) has, together with the Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC), implemented a sexual and gender-based
violence (SGBV) programme in Terekeka County and in Juba rural area.
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In June 2015, the Kenya Red Cross started a project aimed to ensure access to health care for survivors of sexual violence and other forms of violence in the informal settlement and to reduce their vulnerabilities to mental health issues.
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Since 2016, the Colombian Red Cross together with Norwegian Red Cross, has implemented a sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) project in
Tumaco, Colombia, focusing on health response, awareness and improved coordination to ensure access to services for survivors.
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Since 2016, Burundi Red Cross (BRC) has implemented a sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) project in Bujumbura Municipality and in four IDP sites (Rural Bujumbura and Rumonge) together with the Netherland Red Cross (NLRC), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as well as the Ministry i...
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