Strengthening Internal Safeguarding Systems at the Liberian Red Cross

Strengthening Internal Safeguarding Systems at the Liberian Red Cross

Explore how the Liberia Red Cross, with support from the IFRC Capacity Building Fund, is tackling the prevalence of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and gender-based violence. 

Amidst persistent gender disparities, safeguarding has emerged as a critical priority to protect vulnerable individuals from harm and misuse of power. Recognizing the urgent need for action, the Liberia Red Cross has committed to strengthening its internal systems, adopting prevention and response policies against SEA and gender-based violence. With unwavering support from senior leadership and dedicated resources, the organization is now equipped to identify, address, and prevent safeguarding risks, fostering a culture of zero tolerance for abuse and exploitation.

This case study highlights the transformative journey of the Liberia Red Cross, detailing the establishment of a Safeguarding Reference Group, the implementation of dedicated training programs, and the integration of safeguarding principles into community engagement initiatives. 

Join us in uncovering the successes, challenges, and key recommendations from this pivotal initiative, and learn how enhanced safeguarding systems can drive positive change in humanitarian efforts and contribute to social justice and human rights in Liberia.

Download: Strengthening Internal Safeguarding Systems at the Liberian Red Cross